アートや音楽、ファッションなどのカルチャーが変革期を迎えた60年代に注目します。KANEMASAのロゴデザインを手がけたClement Johant氏がインスパイアされた日本のアーティスト・河原温氏が自身の生存の証として1966年に制作され始めた作家の代表作「Today」シリーズ。制作された日付が入った作品は、何気なく過ごしている日常に息を吹き込み、その時間を振り返らせます。
さらに、60年代にカルチャーの発信場所であったロンドンで活躍したフォトグラファーのデイヴィッド・ベイリー(David Bailey)の写真からもインスパイアされています。ローリングストーンズやスティング、ビートルズ、デイヴィッド・ホックニー、ピーター・ブレイク、ロバート・ショウなど当時の名だたるミュージシャンや俳優、モデル、アーティストたちのポートレイトには、人間性も一緒に映し出したスタイルやシルエットが浮かび上がります。
※SRO-“Suvin Recycle Organic” 希少価値が非常に高い超長綿スビンのリサイクル原綿とオーガニックの超長綿をブレンドしたサスティナブルと高品質なシルキータッチを両立した KANEMASA オリジナルの糸です。
“KANEMASA” is a private label by Kanemasa Knitting Co., Ltd., a circular knit manufacturer established in 1964 in Wakayama Prefecture, which is the largest producer of knitted fabrics in Japan.
2023 Spring/Summer collection focuses on the 1960s, when Kanemasa was founded and Art, Music, Fashion, and other aspects of culture entered a period of change.
The “Today” series, the signature work of a Japanese Artist On Kawara- whom Clément Johanet, the designer of KANEMASA’s brand logo, was inspired by- was first created in 1966 as a proof of his survival. The works with the date painting breathe life into our ordinary days and make us look back on that time.
In addition, the collection is inspired by the photographs of David Bailey, who was active in London, the cultural epicenter of the 1960s.
Portraits of famous musicians, actors, models, and artists of the time, including the Rolling Stones, Sting, the Beatles, David Hockney, Peter Blake, and Robert Shaw, reveal styles and silhouettes that reflect humanity as well.
Reinterpreting traditional Brit-modernism and reviving ordinary days and moments, this collection is reminiscent of a new traditional style created using cutting-edge technology that would have been impossible to produce in the 1960s.
We are actively developing new fabrics while challenging ourselves to create new patterns and designs.
KANEMASA’s first denim fabric series, which is bouncier and denser than denim,
is made of highly elastic eco-friendly polyester and our self-developed SRO yarn, forming a structure that looks like denim with our unique Jacquard technology.
The shirt fabric, which is made of super high 46 gauge, realized as a Typewriter fabric, is a new standard shirt that only KANEMASA can produce with high stretchability, comfort, easy-care, and a sense of bounce and luster. A traditional stripe pattern also makes its first appearance.
The stand-up T-shirt is made of jersey material tightly knitted with SRO yarn developed by KANEMASA to the limit, and is bio-processed to give it a stiff texture while maintaining its luster.
The football T-shirt uses a special hard twist yarn made by twisting SRO yarn to the max, which gives it a refreshing feel, but is not transparent and can be worn alone, and can be worn for many years without noticeable fluffing from washing.
In addition to the standard Black and White, the seasonal colors include Gothic grape and Canary yellow, which were used for Converse’s Chuck Taylor in the 1970s.
The set-up, which is available in a wide range of colors from Dusty pink to Khaki, Yellow, and the classic Deep navy, is made from two types of yarn and features a lightweight fabric with a unique bouncy feel, which will become a new staple material for KANEMASA.
Econyl is a recycled nylon material made from fishing nets and used carpets.
We have developed a high-gauge knit-lined fabric by inter-knitting our proprietary SRO yarn with recycled nylon. Available in Ecru, Gray, and Orange, the dry touch texture and luxurious luster make this a track jersey unlike any other.